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Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 8:06 AM





Friday, October 2, 2009 @ 8:40 AM

Yay, blisters came visiting me again! Only this time, more on my soles. ahahhaa. Guess i need to spend sometime tomorrow to get those 'juice' out. Sick but yeah, it hurts if that 'juice' stays inside. You may wonder where i got those blisters... FLOORBALL. hahaha, 2 hours of floorball. Fun but tiring. Plus, i get to suntan too. Woot!

My test marks sucks. Really bad, horrendous. Feel like burning the paper away to keep it out of my sight FOREVER. Two more weeks to EOY and I'm getting this type of results?! Shite. Never mind, i shall burn the midnight oil every night to catch up and revise. Losing my sleep anyway so yeah, better use that time to revise. (:

And something funny yet embarrassing happened today during English class. I was like slacking on the couch in Ms Kaur's homeroom and Nurul wrote stuff on my hand. Feeling curious, Shanel decided to take a look and suddenly, she lunged at me. Why? Brandon told me that Deborah pushed him and he pushed Shanel and Shanel fell on me. Lucky not face to face or what. Just her palm forcefully smashing at the direction of my shoulder. Pain. Shy. *BLUSH* hahahaha. LOL. Phew.

And I'm confused about what's happening now. I don't know how to put this across. Yeah, just weird and confusing yet at the same time... I'm hoping for it to happen. -.- Nonsense, yeah. Sigh.. 5 more days until the bet is over. hahahaha. I just realised that i get jealous over some of your actions. Oh no. SHY.

Back to studying. Woot!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 @ 12:42 AM

After all that is happening these days, i really feel very exhausted. I'm dead beat. I can hardly open my eyes in class. Yes, I haven't been able to sleep these days. I keep remembering about that incident! I've been pinching myself real hard to keep me awake these days in school, and... i did something real bad. ARGH!

Even my peepz are urging me to apologise sincerely to her, seriously. Bad dreams just seems to happen everything i close my eyes. I really want to apologise but i don't know how to. She will end up screwing me back. I hate myself for saying that in the first place, not only that but when she finally talked to me, i pissed her off. Its like the third day of ignoring each other and it sucks to the max. Really wish it would return to normal again, but even if so, it will be even more awkward. I don't know how to face her. After reading her post, i just lost my courage again to apologise to her now. I feel like a F-er doing that, now that she thinks of me differently i guess i had only myself to blame. Now all i want is just to say 'SORRY' , hopes she forgives me, things back to normal and get good results for EOY. That's all. But i don't think I'll dare to apologise to her tonight, she already thinks there was sarcasm in that previous apology, + the post. Damn. So now what? Should i just take the plunge and apologise later at night when she's online on msn or continue to ignore each other? I hate to ignore her but yeah, she wouldn't talk to me too. Sigh. Having a splitting headache now. God, please give me directions. I really want things to get back to normal and still be good friends with her.

Results are another burden, failing class tests like wtf. I really don't know what to do with myself. Screw myself or screw the things that are happening now? Sigh... Screw myself. Tsk. I hope she does read this, but then will anything change? Or will it not? Her Bpost really seems (i don't know what to say too)... seems like i just really lost a friend. Darn. My world seems so dark now, depression i think will start kicking in. Save me, someone. Painkillers...

Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 12:12 AM


Okay, I don't get anything that is happening now. You clearly said that first and its not the first time you said that. Actually, i didn't even say that before you said that right? Hmm... So yeah, I'm at fault. The feeling of getting malign sucks, but yeah if that's how you feel, i will feel it too. I can ignore it completely, say all you want, do what you one... i will go along with you , I wont fight with you, i wont quarrel with you. But there is a limit. I already had a bad enough day, and maligning me is alright but calling me that. Do you even know what it means? Did i do anything that fits the word? I believe not.

Never mind that, I'll always end up apologising to you. Wait for it because i may send one apology to you soon. Until i feel why i should. Shouldn't i be the one feeling angry first? Shouldn't you say sorry too? You called me a F-er behind my back, but seriously i don't really care. You can vent your anger on me, just limit it.

And cold war sucks! I don't wish for a cold war, i don't wish for your stare, i don't want to hear remarks. Yes, I'm at fault and i will apologise again.

There's no need for you to say you're sorry, i don't care no more so don't you worry. I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong, you say you're right.

I'm pissed off enough already. If you don't want to forgive me or what, i cannot do anything. Now i have to think of a way how to apologise to you. SHY.

Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 8:45 AM

Ahh, i just cant seem to write anything that happened these days into words. Pardon me here. Played soccer and rugby on Friday during P.E, and guess what? 3E2 won in rugby. Haha, you guys are awesome! And i got tackled for no reason or rhyme by Sing Wei. Hahha, I'm bruised a little now.

Saturday, went out and walked around aimlessly around bugis, iluma. Had to kill some time before going for guitar lesson so yeah, i just walked and walked. Actually, i think i've walked from the national library to iluma to bugis to OG. I must be mad then. Guitar lesson was fun, learned Kryptonite. (:

Today, went visiting. My Malay friends invited me to visit them. (: Malay food is damn nice, but... after eating for the whole day, I'm sick and tired of it. Argh! Came back home and watch soccer. Exciting match today, and the match didn't disappoint me. It was spectacular!

Time to write about Potatoe as requested. Nicky A.K.A Potatoe is awesome. ahhaha. Would love to know the aftermath of your message, tell me about it okay? Potatoe was awesome during the rugby match we had against 3e3. But too bad she got bruised. Dude, even though you don't like oil... just bear with it and rub some on your bruise, then you'll be able to recover faster. And I'll buy some cookies from you hahaah. See, I'm awesome right? yeah, i know it too myself. hahaha.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 1:17 AM

Went back to school this week only to hear the nags of the teachers. They have been constantly reminding us of the EOY exam and its less than 1 month away... The pressure is really mounting. This is the last year we can enjoy and after that, we'll go full throttle until the end of next year. We really need to treasure the time we have now. Hah!

School was pretty alright these days, but not perfect. hahah. Lessons are super boring, especially maths when i have no idea on what is going on. Ohh, and there is a potatoe that took my phone and took sooooooooooooo manyyyyyyyyyyy photos during math class. Thanks again for those photos potatoe!

Can't wait for EOYs to be over, then i can go hangout with friends again. And that includes BOWLING! Wahahha. For now, i shall save up for my holiday expenditure. (:

On a random note, i just realised that I'm addicted to ALL TIME LOW. Yeahh!

Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 7:22 AM

Yes! I finally took the first step to fingerstyle guitar! I learnt Hotel California by the Eagles... FINGERSTYLE! :D I hope to be as good as Tommy Emmanuel 20 years down the road! YES!